Thursday, December 12, 2013

Getting to Know You {FREE PRINTABLE}

I made this GETTING TO KNOW YOU sheet to give out to my primary class so I could better get to know them.  I thought I'd do a little spotlight at the beginning of each class and read a few of the facts on one of the children's pages and see if the other kids could guess who it was.

I want some feedback and would love to know what you think!!

Fonts and Dingbats courtesy of


  1. Darling and just perfect for my new 2014 Primary class! Thanks so much!

  2. Love this! Going to have my new class fill this out tomorrow. Love the border and all the pictures. Thank you so much!

  3. Love this!! I will be using this all year for our 80+ primary kids!

  4. Thank you so much for the form! Can't wait to use it in Primary!

  5. Got an assignment for a new class last Sunday--and since they can read and write (unlike my previous class of Sunbeams, lol), this will be a perfect way to learn a little about my new students :)

  6. I like the pictures along with the words to reach all learners.

  7. Hello! Using this at a "Meet Your Primary Teacher" event. Many thanks!

  8. This is exactly what I have been looking for, THANKS!!

  9. This is great! Thanks so much for sharing!

  10. Used this to get to know my new YW. Thanks!

  11. excited to use this with my new primary class. first time teaching primary tomorrow! thank you so much for sharing your talent and hard work. this form is great. mahalo! malia

  12. So cute! Using this for my Activity Days girls!

  13. Thank you! We are using it for our new primary class tomorrow.

  14. Super Cute! Anyway you could design one for Young Women?

  15. Thank you so much! I am the primary secretary and we like to spotlight all of the kids. I'm so happy to find this adorable form!

  16. Great idea and really cute! Thank you for sharing!

  17. Adorable ! Thank you! Our primary of 165 kids appreciate your creativity and sharing it with us.

  18. Thank you! Jus looking for a getting to know you sheet for my primary class. Just noticed as I was printing that it said "I am a Child of God" around the edges. This one is darling. Really appreciate your talent. :)

  19. Thank you! This is so handy and I love all the cute graphicSs!

  20. Thank you so much for this hand out! I am excited to give out and get them back to learn more about my children in class!!!

  21. Thank You for sharing! This is great, good work.

  22. I just downloaded. Can't wait to give this to my class!! Thank you!

  23. Darling, thank you! We will be using this sheet for our new 8 year olds coming into Activity Days.

  24. So cute! Thanks for putting this together :) I am actually going to use it with my Young Women today :)

  25. Love this! Using it for our young women! Thanks for sharing this with everyone.

  26. I'll be using this for my seminary students. Thank you for making it fun!

  27. I'll be using this for my seminary students. Thank you for making it fun!

  28. I just got called to teach a primary class and this is just what I was looking for. Thank you for sharing!

  29. I just got called as the activity days leader and I'm excited to use your materials

  30. Super cute handout and just what we need to spotlight our YW. Thanks!

  31. Thank you - my girls will love it.

  32. Love this and use it every year for whatever I am teaching! Its fun!

  33. this is so cute, thank you for making it public.

  34. I'm using this for my new 6/7 primary class. I think they'll be old enough to answer all the questions... I hope. Thanks!

  35. I'm going to use this for my 14/15 year old Sunday School class. Thanks so much for sharing!

  36. Thank heavens I found you. You saved the day. Thank You!

  37. Thank you - what a time saver! Perfect questions - everything I would have included in my own. Thank you for sharing this!!!

  38. Super cute! I will be using this in my Young Women's for spotlights & birthday spotlights!

  39. So I am a newbie with computers. How did you make this??

  40. Thank you so much! This is perfect for my class! We will use this on the first day of school! :)

  41. Super cute! Going to use it for new Beehives coming in! Can't wait!

  42. This seemed like a perfect sheet for the activity day girls to fill out and help us leaders know them better but also be able to use them for their talents and plan activities that will suit them!

  43. This is so cute and perfect for my new class. Thank you so much!

  44. Using this for our starting activity days with the new school year tonight. We wanted to have an activity under serving others, Make a list of qualities you like in a person. Choose one quality to develop in yourself. Discuss how showing respect and kindness strengthens you, your family, and others.

  45. Thank you so much for sharing this!! I am looking forward to using this in YW tonight! I love your spotlight idea as well and will use that.

  46. This is darling and just what I need for the new year with the Activity Days girls. I love the little pictures next to the questions.

  47. This is darling and just what I need for the new year with the Activity Days girls. I love the little pictures next to the questions.

  48. Thanks! I am actually going to use these for New Beginning to introduce the new beehives that will be coming into Young Womens this year! :)

  49. This is going to be wonderful in my Primary class.

  50. I am thinking of using these questions for New Beginnings for the new Beehives too. Thanks for the cute page! I appreciate the talents of others, and am happy you are willing to share. :)

  51. I love this! It's so cute. I did have one problem with the border when I tried to print it in only black and white. But other then that it's perfect!

  52. Hi! I was looking for something to help my husband and I get better acquainted with those we minister to with this new program. Although this is made for children, I think it will work for our adults and will give us a better idea of things we can do with or for them. Thanks for such a good idea. Yours is the best I found. Zuriel Knowes, Boise, Idaho

  53. I wanted to do a get to know you game for girls camp and this not only covers that but it also covers secret sister. It is perfect

  54. This is such a cute form for helping us get to know our primary children. I plan to use it as a form we can draw from for spotlights in our primary. Thank you for sharing!

  55. This was just what I was looking for. I just got called as the Valiant 11 teacher and while I know the families of my new students, I really don't know them.

  56. This is perfect for our primary!! Thank you so much for sharing this for free!!!

  57. Thank you. This was just what I was looking for.

  58. Love this! Perfect for Girl Scouts!

  59. Thank you so much for sharing! I will build on this and make something for my group of grade 4 students.

  60. Tomorrow is another Primary Sacrament practice! I have an all boy class of smart, wiggly nine year olds.
    These will be great to work on when it's not their turn to be called on!;) Thank you!

  61. I love the pictures! It makes it easier for the younger kids. Thanks!

  62. THANK YOU for putting this wonderful page together. Can't wait to share it with my new 12yr old Sunday School class.

  63. This is one of the best getting to know you forms I've seen. Thank you for sharing. I will be using it with my activity day girls tomorrow.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Thank you, great page to for a spotlight

  66. Thank you for allowing us to use this for a young women activity at church. What a clever and well designed got to know you sheet!!!! Thank you!

  67. This is a wonderful questionnaire! I needed something for a little girl we are about to mentor as a Sisters' Class and I believe this is just the way break the ice and learn more about her. Thank you!

  68. I will be using it tonight for my DORCAS Class!

  69. Awesome! I needed a questionnaire for my seminary class and this is perfect! Thanks!

  70. Perfect questions! Thank you SOOO much!

  71. Used for my Young Women, Thanks!

  72. Thank You! I was a little worried about this being an image file because I sent it direct to the printer. Usually PDF files print so much better. But this was sized well for a regular 8.5x11 and printed crisply. I love the little icons (the are adorable and look hand drawn!?) Well done and thank you for sharing!

  73. I also love the icons. I wish I knew how to create documents like this. I am looking for ways to get to know the boys I am just called to serve as one of the new Activities for Children leader in my ward. I'm hoping that getting to know more about them will help build a more personal relationship with each one. Thank you for sharing this!

  74. This is awesome! I will be using it in the fall for my classes. Right now I am going to use it for a secret sis info sheet to have some fun during quarantine.

  75. Still looking -- but I think this is exactly what I am looking for to get to know a new Primary class while we are in quarantine, still doing Zoom primary.

  76. Very nice for IEP information.

  77. I've been looking at a lot of getting to know you printables and questions. This one is perfect! Thank you for sharing!<3

  78. This Getting to Know You questionaire is great! It has eye-appeal which is so important! It's not boring like the last one we made and had a hard time getting our youth to fill out. This has so much more information that we didn't think of, and hopefully it'll help us get to know our youth much better. Thank you!

  79. Thank you! Nice to have this especially while we cannot meet in person! Will take this to our Primary kids! Thank you for sharing this! You are a lifesaver!

  80. This is a wonderful for our primary class especially since we cannot meet them because of the covid restrictions and are not holding Primary class. I really appreciate you sharing your talents!

  81. This is a wonderful design for this activity! I love it! And I am sure will do too :) Thanks a lot for sharing :)

  82. i'm always grateful for creative people like you that post free printables like this that make callings so much easier--thank you!!

  83. Thank you for putting this together, using it for early morning seminary tommorow! I appreciate you talent thank you

  84. This is so cute! Really want to use it with my new primary class of 10. Thank you!!

  85. Thank you for putting this together,

  86. Great questions with fun pictures - way better than what I could have done!

  87. I loved your page. I am excited to use it.

  88. THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS!!!! It's beautiful!!! And THANK YOU for sharing!!!

  89. I was trying to find a "get to know you" for our full-time missionaries in our area (we have 7), but couldn't find anything. This was the closest printable that had fun questions. Thanks for making this and making it free!!

  90. Thanks for posting this sheet it is great to have pictures and text. I think it will easier for the kids to help in filling it out. I also like your questions.

  91. Just what I was looking for!

  92. Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!! I'm so happy to NOT have to reinvent the wheel here. My YW are going to LOVE this at Girl's Camp.

  93. Thanks so much! You saved me a ton of time! It will be for our activity day boys!
