Friday, January 31, 2014

Primary Assignment Chair Magnets {FREE PRINTABLE MAGNETS}

I've been meaning to post these Primary chair magnets for a while now to go along with these ones I already posted for the assigned seating.

You can purchase magnet sheets at most office supply stores, and sometimes even at Walmart.  They usually come in packs of 4-10 sheets and the sheets are 8.5x11" and are super thin so they fit right into your printer.  Just cut them apart after printing.  I designed them so each magnet will be about 4x5".  You'll just have to cut the sheets in half after printing and then trim the edges a bit.

I would love some feedback and I'd love to hear what you think!

Font: Kimberly Geswein Fonts--Beneath Your Beautiful 
Banner: Stella Jane Designs--That's Life

Frames: DesignZ by Dede--All Things Bright and Beautiful
Arrows Paper: Melissa Bennett--This Life
Kids Illustrations: Susan Fitch Design
(Colors and dimensions may have been edited for use)

1 comment:

  1. NO COMMENTS! I can't believe that! I'm a new Primary president and am soaking up your ideas like a sponge. A million thank you's for sharing your creativity.
